The Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association of Parklea Public School is a friendly, active and productive group of parents and citizens committed to working together with our school to ensure the best possible resources, experiences and outcomes are available for all students at Parklea.
The P&C is involved in a range of activities including:
Operating the School Uniform Shop with the aim of providing high quality uniforms at a reasonable cost.
Fund-raising for School priority areas.
Input into governance, policies, school targets, and procedures within the School.
Contributions to School development and planning days.
Discussion of current School and educational issues.
Joining and becoming a P&C member means you will have access to a lot of information. If you would also like to be involved in activities, that's great, it's totally up to you. For those who would like to be involved, no contribution of your time and help is too small. Everyone has something to offer and all assistance is valued, especially by your children.
Membership is a small annual investment of just $2, and this will provide you with information about the school. You will receive via email, monthly meeting minutes, notice of P&C activities, special announcements and voting rights for issues under consideration.
Meetings are optional, however, if you would like to attend they are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month @6.45pm for a 7pm start, in the Teacher's staff room.
Our P&C consists of the following roles President (PDF 177KB), Vice President x (PDF 175KB), Treasurer (PDF 181KB), and Secretary (PDF 175KB). These five positions make up the Executive Committee of Parklea Public School P&C Association.