We're keeping students learning both in and out of the classroom.
Explore the department's Learning remotely resources to support both online and offline learning for all students.
Learning Pack Collection
Collection of the students Term 1 Learning Packs will take place on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th April 2020. Please read the attached note for more information.
Learning Pack Collection
Learning from Home with Google Classroom
Google classroom is Parklea Public School's chosen platform for students and teachers to organize learning, boost collaboration and foster communication during our learning from home. This program allows teachers to create and distribute work, grade and send feedback to students in an effective and efficient way.
How to access Google Classroom
1. Open a web browser
2. Go to portal.det.nsw.edu.au
3. Enter your User ID and Password.
4. In your portal scroll down to the "Learning" box.
5. Click "Show More" then click "Classroom".
6. Select your class' Google Classroom.
You will then have access to "Classwork" and "Stream" which allows you to access work assigned by the classroom teacher or to see messages sent from the teacher.
Learning remotely without technology
We understand some students do not have access to a device or internet for online learning. Contact the school to discuss non-digital learning from home options for your child.
Learning Packs
To support any students from Parklea Public School who are unable to access technology, each grade has provided their students with a hard copy 'Learning Pack' to support learning from home. This pack includes all the work that aligns with the lessons being taught through google classroom. Also included in this pack are fundamental movement, physical and dance or music activities.
These learning packs can be utilised when completing work through google classroom as it allows the students the option to complete the activities on the paper based resources and then upload a photo of their work to their google classroom for their teacher to provide feedback.
Useful Information
Flexible Staff- Due to the large number of students who are working from home and to comply with the social distancing safety measures, staff at Parklea Public School have begun to implement flexible staffing. This means that not all teachers will be on sight every day, however, those teachers who are working from home are still available between 8:30am-3:30pm and will be monitoring their google classrooms, marking work and responding to any comments or questions you may have.
Sport- For the remainder of Term 1 and all of Term 2 all PSSA has been cancelled. This also means the cancellation of the school Cross Country and all representative sports both individual and team. To support our students in continuing their physical activity in all learning from home programs there are daily physical activity breaks.
Creative and Performing Arts- All external performances for our Creative Arts groups have been cancelled, we hope to be able to provide performance opportunities for these groups within school later in the year.
Excursions- Planned excursions for Term 2 have been cancelled, these include Stage 1 and Stage 2, we will keep you updated on any other changes to future events.